b"GEM AWARD NOMINEES FORMEDIA EXCELLENCESAM BROEKEMASam Broekema is the Editor-in-Chief of Only Natural Diamonds at the Natural Diamond Council, where he champions the positive global impact and unique storiesofnaturaldiamonds.Underhisleadership,histeamlaunchedthe biannual print and digital publication in 2022. With a background in fashion journalism, Sam has served as Fashion Editor at Vanity Fair, Executive Accessories Editor at Harper's Bazaar and Market and Accessories Director at InStyle. His sharp eye for style and commitment to responsible luxury and independent designers inspires readers to embrace the unique allure and intrinsic power of natural diamonds.In his free time, Sam enjoys black and white cookies and hiking with his husband Eric and their adventurous one-year-old daughter Maeve.PAIGE REDDINGEREver since she was a child, Paige Reddinger had a fascination with jewelry. Her mother, also a jewelry lover and collector, taught her about the great houses from David Webb to Mikimoto. Her professional journey in watches and jewelry began in 2010 at Forbes. There, her first entre to high horology began on assignment to the revered A. Lange & Shne watch manufacture in Glashtte. Her interest intimepiecestookholdasshelearnedaboutthepainstakingworkittakes to make these tiny mechanical wonders tick. She joined Robb Report in 2018, working under esteemed jewelry expert Jill Newman. As Robb Reports Watch and Jewelry Editor, she covers everything from the latest gems and timepieces to profiling serious collectors, as well as spotlighting the challenges and successes of household brands and independent makers alike.TRACE SHELTONTrace Shelton is the Editor-in-Chief of INSTORE, a trade publication for North Americanindependentjewelryretailers.Heworkedhiswayupfromsenior editor in 2004 to editor-in-chief of INSTOREs sister publication, INDESIGN, to being namedEICofINSTOREin2016.Traceandthejewelrypublishingteamhave received nearly 100 awards from the Jesse H. Neal Awards, FOLIO, Azbee and Trade Association Business Publications International. In addition to his duties as editor-in-chief, Trace serves as conference chair for The INSTORE Show. Traces appreciation for independent retailers began during his six years as a marketing consultant prior to working at INSTORE. He enjoys writing about all aspects of running a small business to help INSTOREs readers succeed.38 23RD ANNUAL GEM AWARDS"