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The Winners
A GEM Award is considered one of the highest honors bestowed on professionals and companies serving the fine jewelry and watch industries. The list of GEM Award honorees includes notable designers, editors, respected media personalities and legendary brands.
Browse all the GEM Award winners from 2003 through today.
Lifetime Achievementjohn greenx300
John A. Green, President & CEO of Lux Bond & Green -
High Jewelry Excellencechanel highjewelryx300
Chanel -
Jewelry Designbeth hutchensx300
Beth Hutchens, Foundrae -
Media Excellencesam broekemax300
Sam Broekema -
Retail Innovationreinholdx300
Reinhold Jewelers
Lifetime Achievementlifetime susanjacquesx300
Susan M. Jacques, President & CEO of GIA -
Special Recognitiontclogox300
Tiffany & Co. -
Jewelry Stylecynthiaerivox300
Cynthia Erivo -
Jewelry Designmarla aaronx300
Marla Aaron, Marla Aaron -
Media Excellencetanya dukesx300
Tanya Dukes -
Retail Excellenceben bridge jewelerx3003
Ben Bridge Jeweler
Lifetime Achievementlta steven kaiserx300
Steven Kaiser, Watch Industry Veteran -
High Jewelry Excellencehighjewelry guccix300
Gucci -
Watch Excellencewatchexellence hodinkeex30020
Hodinkee -
Jewelry Designanita kox300
Anita Ko, Anita Ko -
Media Excellencemichelle graff newx300
Michelle Graff, National Jeweler -
Retail Excellencegreenwichstjewelersx300 copy
Greenwich St. Jewelers
Lifetime Achievementlifetime stephenlussier 300x300
Stephen Lussier, Chairman of De Beers Jewellers and De Beers Forevermark. Executive Vice-President, Brands & Consumer Markets, De Beers Group -
Jewelry Stylejewelrystyle lorraineschwartz 300x300
Lorraine Schwartz, High Jewelry Designer -
Jewelry Designlauren harwell godfrey 300x300
Lauren Harwell Godfrey, Harwell Godfrey -
Media Excellencemediaexcellence melanie grant 300x300
Melanie Grant -
Retail Excellencemarissa collections 300x300new
Marissa Collections
Lifetime AchievementJohn Kennedy 800x800
John Kennedy, President of Jewelers Security Alliance -
Jewelry StyleLaw Roach 800x800
Law Roach, Celebrity Stylist and Image Architect
Lifetime Achievementedbridge 800x800
Ed Bridge, Chairman Emeritus of Ben Bridge Jeweler -
Jewelry Designnikoskoulis 800x8002
Nikos Koulis -
Media Excellencerachelgarrahan 800x800
Rachel Garrahan, British Vogue -
Retail Innovationtwist 800x800
Lifetime Achievementstewart 800x800
Stewart Wicht, Former President and CEO of Rolex Watch of U.S.A. Inc. -
Marketing and Communicationstiffany 800x800
Tiffany & Co. -
Jewelry DesignFernando 800x800
Fernando Jorge -
Media Excellencewill 800x800
Will Kahn, Town & Country -
Retail Excellencethreads 800x800
lifetime sallymorrison 800x800
Lifetime Achievement
Sally Morrison -
style debramessing 800x800
Jewelry Style
Debra Messing -
design ireneneuwirth 800x800
Jewelry Design
Irene Neuwirth, Irene Neuwirth Jewelry -
media marionfasel 800x800
Media Excellence
Marion Fasel, TheAdventurine.com -
Retail Innovationretail modaoperandi 800x800
Moda Operandi
Jim Rosenheim9
Lifetime Achievement
Jim Rosenheim, Tiny Jewel Box -
LuciaSilvestri 9
Jewelry Design
Lucia Silvestri, Bulgari -
Marketing & Communications
Kay® Jewelers -
Grace Headshot
Media Excellence
Grace Fuller, W -
PP logo w gold Calatrava
Watch Excellence
Patek Philippe
Lifetime AchievementJoeThompson
Joe Thompson, WatchTime Magazine -
Temple St. Clair -
Media ExcellenceRobBates
Rob Bates, JCK Magazine -
Watch Designcartier 2016 2004
Lifetime AchievementLarryPelzel
Larry Pelzel, Neiman Marcus -
Stephen Webster -
Marketing & Communicationsshinola 2015
Shinola -
Media ExcellenceClaudiaMata
Claudia Mata, W Magazine
Lifetime AchievementMarieHeleneMorrow
Marie Helene Morrow, owner of Reinhold Jewelers -
Communicationstiffanyco 2003 2014
Tiffany & Co. -
Kara Ross -
Media Excellencevictoriagomelsky
Victoria Gomelsky, editor in chief of JCK Magazine
Lifetime AchievementMatthewRunci
Matthew A. Runci, former Jewelers of America President & CEO -
Ippolita -
Journalistic ExcellenceStelleneVolandes
Stellene Volandes, Style Director of Town & Country magazine
Lifetime AchievementRalphDestino
Ralph Destino, Chairman-Emeritus of Cartier, Inc. -
Corporate Communicationschanel 2012
Chanel Fine Jewelry -
Jewelry StyleDaphneGuinness Rene Hebermacher bw
The Honorable Daphne Guinness -
Journalistic ExcellenceCandyPrattsPrice Copyright Mikael Jansson
Candy Pratts Price, of editor-at-large of Vogue and Style.com
Lifetime AchievementJeffreyPost
Dr. Jeffrey E. Post, Curator of the U.S. National Gem and Mineral Collection at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History -
Corporate Communicationsbreitling 2011
Breitling -
Jewelry StyleNeilLane
Neil Lane -
Journalistic Excellencemarieclaire 2011
Marie Claire magazine
Corporate Communicationschopard 2009
Chopard, Caroline Gruosi-Scheufele, co-president and artistic director of Chopard worldwide -
Journalistic Excellenceglenda bailey
Glenda Bailey, editor-in-chief of Harper’s Bazaar -
Russell Simmons
Lifetime AchievementTerryBurman
Terry Burman, Sterling Jewelers -
Corporate Communicationsbulgari 2008
Bulgari, Francois Kress -
Journalistic ExcellenceRobertaNaas
Roberta Naas
Lifetime AchievementJackHeuer
Jack Heuer -
Enduring ExcellenceLowell SheldonKwiat
Kwiat -
Excellence in JournalismJillNewman
Jill Newman
Lifetime Achievementhelenefortunoff
Helene Fortunoff, owner of Fortunoff -
Excellence in BroadcastKatieCouric
Katie Couric -
Excellence in Journalismpamelafiori
Pamela Fiori, editor in chief of Town & Country -
Marketing & Corporate Communicationsrobertocoin 2006
Roberto Coin and Peter Webster, for Roberto Coin S.p.a.
Lifetime AchievementBob HerbBridge
Bob and Herb Bridge, Ben Bridge Jeweler -
Corporate CommunicationsTheDiamondGroup
The Diamond Group, J. Walter Thompson, for "A Diamond Is Forever" campaign Richard Lennox accepted -
Journalistic ExcellenceRobertaMyers
Roberta Myers, editor-in-chief of Elle magazine -
StyleHal Rubenstein
Hal Rubenstein, InStyle Magazine
Lifetime AchievementSybil David Yurman
David and Sybil Yurman -
Corporate Communicationscartier 2016 2004
Cartier -
Excellence in MediaCarmenBorgonovo
Carmen Borgonovo, W Magazine
Lifetime AchievementGerryGRINBERG
Gedalio “Gerry” Grinberg, founder and chairman of the Movado Group -
Corporate Communicationstiffanyco 2003 2014
Tiffany & Co. -
Excellence in International Pressvivianbecker
Vivienne Becker -
Excellence in MagazinesPennyProddow MarionFasel
Penny Proddow and Marion Fasel, InStyle magazine -
Excellence in NewspapersSibbyCHRISTENSEN
Sibby Christensen, Associated Press